Even the bosses in Alora, Rosh, Tavion, Ragnos and Kyle were tough but fair even on Jedi Master difficulty (though Alora's second round was fairly brutal with attacks bouncing off of her).
You were never swamped with more than a few stormtroopers at a time, even on the later missions and you rarely faced down more than two Sith at once - with the more powerful Sith usually fighting you one on one. The slow-burn, simple-hack and slash in the first set of missions as a Jedi Padawan gradually giving way to more and more challenging missions where the easily bullied stormtroopers and alien cannon fodder were slowly replaced by tougher enemies - Sith and heavy stormtroopers with Stouker concussion rifles.Įven on the hardest difficulty, the difficulty was fair.
While that may be partially influenced by nostalgia, me owning it on the original Xbox and playing it so much there and on PC over the last few years to the point where I have memorised the entire game save for the mutant rancor mission - It held up.